Last month was Women’s History Month, the Academy Charter School is proud to celebrate our own amazing women. Selected by their Academy colleagues, we are proud to present Ms. Elizabeth Hanif, Ms. Carla Best, Dr. Kim Spivey-Hunter and Ms. Joyce Dawkins.

Ms. Hanif is the math teacher from the Academy Charter Hempstead High School. She is known for being great with her colleagues and scholars. Listen to her interview on Apple podcasts and subscribe.
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Ms. Best is the Assistant Chief Academic Officer at the Academy Charter Middle School, Uniondale. Ms Best goes above and beyond to mentor her team at the Academy. Listen to her interview on Apple podcasts and subscribe.
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Dr. Kim Spivey-Hunter is the Director of Student Support Services for the Academy Charter School Hempstead, grades K-12. She is a mentor always helping other educators grow professionally. Watch her interview on Academy TV and subscribe.
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Ms. Dawkins is 6th grade math teacher at the Academy Charter Middle School, Hempstead. Ms. Dawkins loves helping her scholars and believes all students can learn. Watch her interview on Academy TV and subscribe.
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